Disconcert - significado y definición. Qué es Disconcert
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Qué (quién) es Disconcert - definición

·noun Want of concert; disagreement.
II. Disconcert ·vt To confuse the faculties of; to disturb the composure of; to Discompose; to Abash.
III. Disconcert ·vt To break up the harmonious progress of; to throw into disorder or confusion; as, the emperor disconcerted the plans of his enemy.
¦ verb disturb the composure of; unsettle.
disconcerted adjective
disconcertedly adverb
disconcerting adjective
disconcertingly adverb
disconcertion noun
disconcertment noun (rare).
C17 (in the sense 'upset the progress of'): from obs. Fr. desconcerter, from des- (expressing reversal) + concerter 'bring together'.
(disconcerts, disconcerting, disconcerted)
If something disconcerts you, it makes you feel anxious, confused, or embarrassed.
Antony's wry smile disconcerted Sutcliffe...
He was disconcerted to find his fellow diners already seated.
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ to-inf
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Disconcert
1. but to intimidate and disconcert.
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Ejemplos de uso de Disconcert
1. Bowlers do aim to disconcert batsmen with bouncers, and at times, in anger, aim to hit them; but it is a game, after all, and no one (really) wants to (really) hurt an opponent.
2. Until the wickets there had been no hooping swing for Matthew Hoggard nor searing pace from Harmison to disconcert Pakistan‘s equlibrium after England‘s batsmen had created a foundation from which they cannot lose the first Test.